Reemployment and Unemployment Assistance

What You Need to Know

How to file:

You can file by website: or by phone, (800) 681-8102, if affected by one of the following: Physical/Visual Disabilities, Illiterate or Language Barrier, or Legally prohibited from using the computer

Monetary Requirements:

  • The total base period wages have to equal at least 1 and 1/2 times the wages in the high quarter during the base period
  • Worked and earned wages totaling $3,400
  • Worked and earned wages in two or more calendar quarters during the base period

What you need to file a claim:

– Social Security Number

– Driver’s License or State ID

– Employment information over the last 18 months:  Name, address and phone; First and last day worked; Gross earnings; Reason of separation

Additionally, you will need:

– Work authorization forms

– Military/federal work documentation

– Union information

What you need after you file:

– Request benefit payment bi-weekly

– Complete full registration with Workforce Services

– Provide work search contacts

– Complete fact findings

Once determinations are complete and you begin receiving benefits, you will be mailed a mandatory appointment with CareerSource Research Coast.

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