
Biggest Job Fair of the Year Coming to Fort Pierce

Fort Pierce, FL – The City of Fort Pierce is excited to announce the 9th Annual Job Fair in partnership with CareerSource Research Coast. This highly anticipated event will occur on Wednesday, January 24, from 10 am through 1 pm at the Havert L Fenn Center.

With over 80 employers expected to participate, the Job Fair provides a valuable platform for jobseekers to connect with a diverse range of companies looking to fill positions on their staff rosters. The event aims to bring together employers and potential employees in a dynamic environment, fostering networking opportunities and creating pathways to meaningful employment.

The Job Fair is open to the public, and parking is free for all attendees. Jobseekers are encouraged to arrive prepared, bringing multiple copies of their resumes and dressed in proper attire.

The event will kick off with the Treasure Coast High School’s US Air Force JROTC Color Guard performing the National Anthem and presentation of colors, a welcome by Mayor Linda Hudson and city commissioners Arnold Gaines and Curtis Johnson Jr., and closing remarks from Brian Bauer, president and CEO of CareerSource Research Coast.

Veterans and their eligible spouses are afforded early entry by 30 minutes. In addition, there will be a host of community service partners participating. This collaborative approach fosters a holistic environment where job seekers not only explore job opportunities but also receive guidance and assistance from non-profits dedicated to community welfare. The inclusion of non-profit community partners not only enriches the Job Fair experience but also reinforces the event’s commitment to addressing the multifaceted needs of individuals seeking employment and career advancement.

Additionally, CareerSource Research Coast offers a series of FREE Employment Success Workshops at their Career Centers to help jobseekers enhance their skills and readiness to meet prospective employers. These workshops cover a variety of topics, including resume building, interview strategies, and job search techniques.

The 9th Annual City of Fort Pierce Job Fair holds significant importance for the community as it serves as a crucial bridge between employers and job seekers. In a rapidly evolving job market, events like these play a pivotal role in strengthening the local economy by facilitating employment opportunities. The Job Fair not only connects individuals with potential employers but also contributes to the growth and prosperity of the Fort Pierce community.

The City of Fort Pierce invites everyone seeking employment or career advancement to participate in this impactful event. Let us come together to build a stronger, more vibrant community through meaningful employment opportunities.

For additional Job Fair information…