Are you tired of dead-end jobs?
Training opportunities are available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WIOA program provides eligible and suitable candidates with a wide range of training opportunities. These training programs can increase your pay, job security and career satisfaction.
- Apprenticeships
- On-the-Job Training
- Classroom/Vocational training for in-demand careers
CareerSource Research Coast Tools Available
Learn About In-Demand Occupations
– Learn about the fastest growing jobs in your community and throughout the state.
– Find occupations with the most openings in Florida.
– Learn which occupations’ are the highest paying in Florida.
– Discover the occupations projected to decline in employment in Florida.
State Demand Occupations List
State Demand Occupations List – The Florida State Demand Occupations list is sorted by Occupational Titles for the current year. This list includes mean (average) wages, High Skill and High Wage occupations, annual occupation openings, and annual percentage growth for each occupation. The source is through the Florida Department of Commerce Labor Market Statistics.
Local Targeted Occupations List
Local Targeted Occupations List – The Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) develop and use their Local Targeted Occupations Lists (LTOLs) to identify occupations for which eligible adults and dislocated workers may receive training assistance under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This list includes average wages, High-Skill and High-Wage occupations, annual occupation openings and annual percentage growth for each occupation. This list is specific to Indian River, St. Lucie and Martin Counties.
Approved Training Program List
Eligible Training Provider List – A reference guide for approved educational training programs and approved training providers for the local workforce development area.
Funding is subject to availability and is limited based on the entry wage of
your chosen occupation as follows:
Up to $15,000 for occupations with wages of $15.01+
Up to $10,000 for occupations with wages up to $15.00
Find your success through our doors. Call 866-4U2-HIRE to take the next step.
What happens next?
In order to receive Training Services through CareerSource Research Coast (CSRC), you must be fully registered in Employ Florida ( including your work history, educational background, and resume.
Learn More
Our orientation sessions will be available virtually and in person at our Garden City Career Center.
Location: 2102 Avenue Q Room 18, Ft. Pierce, FL
- Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
- Thursdays: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
You may qualify if you fit into one of these categories
– Adults: individuals over 18 years of age
– Dislocated workers: individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own and displaced homemakers
– Employed workers: individuals who are employed but need services to obtain or retain employment which leads to self-sufficiency
– Youth: individuals from 16 years to 24 years of age, (youth who fall between the ages of 18 and 21 may receive services as a youth or adult or both at the same time)