
New Industrial Manufacturing Technician Cohort to Begin in August

TREASURE COAST, FL – CareerSource Research Coast is excited to announce a valuable opportunity for manufacturers seeking to enhance their workforce through a registered apprenticeship program. The Industrial Manufacturing Technician (IMT) Registered Apprenticeship program allows employers to effectively train and retain employees with a structured training plan that integrates on-the-job training at your worksite with related virtual education from Indian River State College. Manufacturers are invited to participate in the next cohort beginning Monday, Aug. 26.

This apprenticeship program covers key learning areas such as quality practices and safety, manufacturing processes and production, advanced technologies, work orders and documentation, and maintenance. Apprentices are invited to a proven method for businesses to recruit, develop, and retain highly skilled employees. Participants earn wages while learning essential workplace skills, leading to a promising career without the burden of student loans. Grant funding is available to assist employers utilize this proven training model.

Florida’s key industry sectors benefiting from apprenticeships include advanced manufacturing, construction, healthcare, information technology, hospitality, and trade and logistics. High-quality apprenticeships hinge on several critical elements. Employer involvement is essential, as businesses are the cornerstone of every apprenticeship program. Apprentices receive structured on-the-job training from experienced mentors, and technical instruction is provided through various methods, including online, at the job site, or in a classroom setting. As apprentices acquire new skills and knowledge, they earn progressive wage increases. Upon completion, they receive an industry-recognized certificate that certifies their qualifications.

Preparing your business for the future involves building a skilled team today. Registered Apprenticeships provide an opportunity to custom-train a ready workforce, addressing your company’s growth and future needs. Apprentices gain practical skills that enhance your business’s efficiency and productivity. Implementing apprenticeship programs can reduce turnover rates, boost productivity, lower recruitment costs, and improve workplace safety. For every dollar spent on Registered Apprenticeships, employers typically see a return on investment of $1.50. Moreover, 97% of participating employers recommend Registered Apprenticeships.

To learn more about how Registered Apprenticeships can benefit your business. Register for the virtual class today by calling 866-482-4473 Ext 427. For more information about apprenticeships and other workforce solutions, please visit our website at CareerSource Research Coast.

CareerSource Research Coast is dedicated to bridging the gap between businesses and job seekers, offering workforce solutions that benefit both. Let’s work together to create a skilled workforce for a brighter future.