Careers for Youth

We are dedicated to advancing the future of our community through youth training and development. We do this by providing programs and services that help build career pathways for young adults ages 16 to 24.

Connecting Youth

Youth Connections is an eligibility-based program designed to help young adults achieve personal and career goals. We have career coaches onsite who are trained to help you overcome challenges and prepare you with the basic skills you need for employment.

Get Started

Investing in you for a brighter tomorrow!

We believe in investing in you! Our programs and services are designed to set you up for success.

  • Learn

    From career planning, interest and proficiency assessment testing, and resume writing assistance to employer referrals, interview preparation, and more, learn more about the programs and services we offer to help you kick-start your career.

    Learn More
  • Search

    Increase your job opportunities by signing up with Employ Florida, a one-stop online resource employers use to search for qualified candidates.

    Join Employ Florida
  • Train

    Career training is available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WIOA program provides candidates with a wide range of paid training opportunities. Contact a career coach to learn more.

    Contact Us
  • Services for Youth

    CareerSource Research Coast Youth Connections program serves 16 to 24-year-old young adults by providing access to services and activities that connect youth to Jobs and College. Youth Connections is an eligibility-based program, designed to help young adults who face specific challenges in achieving personal goals.

    Youth Services
Earn While You Learn

Summer of Success 2025

Summer of Success will be returning later this year! Bookmark this page to stay updated.
As a Summer of Success participant, you’ll gain valuable employability skills during a week-long soft skills and work ethic training. From there you’ll transition to onsite work experience through a paid internship with a Summer of Success participating worksite employer.


Plan. Prepare. Succeed.

We have aggregated a list of external resources to provide you with additional guidance and information about career exploration, college preparation, financial aid, planning life after high school, and planning your financial future.

Find More Resources
- Get into manufacturing!

Indian River County Manufacturing Workshop Week

The Manufacturing Workshop week is a great way to explore careers in a real-world setting and gain marketable skills while earning an understanding of the process of being a 'maker'

Space is Limited. Sign Up Today

Job seeker services for youth are offered at no cost!

Contact Us
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